
Always nice to spend a week at home.  This poem is reality with rosy glasses as I’m sure my family can attest to! But all the warm fuzzies and missing home went into this poem when I wrote it half a world a way from family.

Take me safely home
To that spot where I fit just right
Snug yet loose
Held in relaxed tension
Of loving worry
I don’t need to because you do
I can fall because here I’m held.

Take me safely home
To the place of Kincaid light
Where even the dark is friendly
Cozy in the fog and
Sounds of crashing rhythmic waves.
No pretense
No façade
Monet and all his splotches perfectly
Formed into a picture.

Take me safely home
Where imagination questions all
Builds dreams
Embellishes the longing
Filling to overflowing contentment
Where repeated conversations
Round out the past
Fill the present.

Take me home
Where all is safe
In heart and soul
In rest and loud familial laughter|
In peace and busy supper preparations
Even in arguing
Quick hugs
Knowing looks
over understood space.

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